An investment platform. BUILT FOR AFRICANS.

Invest towards your long and short term goals in minutes

Build your personalized investment plan, invest for long and short term goals, track your progress & learn as you go  - all in one account.

Convenient. Simple. Holistic.

Our investors are on track to reach their goals.

Real people.  Real investment plans.
Sylvia, 28
I am currently on a remarkable financial journey, investing KES. 75,000 per month towards my future home. With consistent dedication, I will achieve my goal of accumulating 6.5 million KES within the next 5 years.
Harold, 37
I'm Investing KES. 150,000 per month towards early retirement. In 15 years, when I turn 52, I can already picture myself enjoying a comfortable KES. 820K every month in passive income.
Njambi, 30
I've committed to invest KES. 41,000 every month towards my daughter's university education. I look forward to having 9 million KES in 10 years, ensuring she has all the opportunities to pursue her dreams and achieve academic excellence
Sylvia, 27
I'm investing KES. 40,000 per month towards early retirement, 3 month emergency fund, and an an annual holiday. In 24 years, when I turn 51, I will enjoy a comfortable life with KES. 420K every month in passive income, and I can enjoy a holiday every year until then!
Harold, 35
I'm investing KES. 37,000 per month towards early retirement, my diploma and a 6 month emergency fund. In 20 years, when I turn 55 I will enjoy a comfortable life with KES. 320K every month in passive income!
Njambi, 41
I'm investing KES 180,000 per month towards my KES 50M retirement fund, KES 24M in international university fees for my children, and a 6 month emergency fund for my family. I love the confidence in knowing I'm taking care of my family!
Trusted by 3,000+ people

Investing doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Build an investment plan that fits you like a glove
When your plan is personalised to you, you're more likely to stick to it. Build your plan so you know exactly how much to save to reach your goals. Adapt it when life happens!
Get Started
Invest towards your goals with ease.
Send one amount & distribute it according to your plan. Get reminders to stay consistent. Catch up easily when you miss payments.
Get Started
Diversify & compound your investments with confidence
Get rid of analysis paralysis that stops you from investing. Invest in a diversified portfolio that automatically compounds to get to your goals faster.
Get Started
Adjust your plan as life happens
Understand the impact of your decisions as you make them. Catch up on your plan easily when you miss an investments.
Get Started

Our mission is to make investing in Africa seamless, so you can stay consistent and have a smoother ride to your financial goals

africa pocket graph

Get guidance on your financial plan and decisions before you make them. Spend less time wondering if you are doing the right thing & start doing it!


Understand how you are progressing towards your goal & know exactly where you stand. Catch up when you miss some payments & keep adjusting your plan to meet your needs.


Use convenient tools to keep track & invest like clock work every month. Say goodbye to starting ‘next month’ & actually stay on top of your investments.

Our mission is to make investing seamless, so you can stay consistent and have a smoother ride to your financial goals.

africa pocket graph

Smart personalised investing

Convenient. Simple. Jargon Free.

Our Investment Strategy

Africa’s Pocket investing methodology is based on personalised goal based investing. We aim to match your goals to the appropriate mix of investment assets to get you there securely, rather than a one size fits all approach.

We prioritise investing in a wide range of secure African assets that include:

Cash (fixed deposits, money market funds)
Fixed Income (bonds, bills, commercial papers)
Single Stocks
Real estate (we mostly fund developers rather than buy physical properties)


The actual investment strategy is guided by Africa's Pocket SACCO’s Investment Policy.

It’s executed by the Management Committee which is made up of business and investment professionals with 30+ combined years of investing experience in Kenya and beyond.

It’s governed by a Supervisory Committee which is made up of investment and audit professionals who are independent of the SACCOs or Africa’s Pocket’s operations. 

The Management Committee meets once a quarter to adjust the investment strategy based on market conditions and is audited by the Supervisory Committee as well as an independent auditor once a year.

Our Philosophy

We believe that Africa is the future and as such, we invest in African assets and where possible, in African currencies.

We match the timeline of your goals to an appropriate mix of investment assets to get you there securely.

Our  first objective is  to maximise your return & compound interest earned (to make sure you achieve your goal on time) - and there after transition your investments into liquid assets so that you can easily withdraw when it's time for you to turn your goal into a reality.

And we're just getting started..

More features coming soon.
Multi-asset investing

Bonds, shares, real estate

Automatic deposits

Set it & forget it

Joint accounts

Invest with your partner or group

Track all your assets

even those on other platforms

No hidden fees. Keep everything you earn.

Pay a one-time fee of just KES 6,000 to join and set up your financial plan. After that, pay a monthly maintenance fee of KES 1,000 (or KES 833 if you pay for a year at once).

Set your goals
Invest seamlessly
Track your progress
Optimise your plan
One-time account opening fee
Maintainence fee
Annually (2 months free)

No hidden fees. Keep everything you earn.

KES. 10,000
Billed annually
2 months FREE
Make a personalised financial plan with expert guidance.
Invest in a diversified portfolio to reach your goals faster.
Track & adapt your plan as you go!
Start today
KES. 1,000
Billed monthly
Make a personalised financial plan with expert guidance.
Invest in a diversified portfolio to reach your goals faster.
Track & adapt your plan as you go!
Start today


This sounds really complex. How does it work?
Where and how will you invest my money?
Is my money safe? (Do you have a license? Are you regulated?)
What happens when I want to withdraw my money?
This sounds expensive. Is it gonna cost a gazzilion dollars?
How do I know what the return is?
How do I start?

Your money is in safe hands

Create your free account in minutes and join the thousands of African investors.

© 2023 Africas Pocket. All right reserved.
FREE Class: Make an investment plan for 2023. Click here to join.
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